Captivates through: manageable size and structure, as well as over 50 years of joint professional experience and expertise acquired and cultivated in the process. Our clients: nationally and internationally operating mainly medium-sized companies (among others in the fields of services, production, distribution/sales, real estate management, software and hardware development, design, art trade, automotive, private equity, business consulting), crafts enterprises, self-employed persons, freelancers as well as private individuals.
Small + fine, personal + individual, specialized + strong in consulting
Profile of the law firm
In short:
MGM Rechtsanwälte Müller Goll-Müller Partnerschaftsgesellschaft
Captivates through:
Manageable size and structure, as well as over 50 years of joint professional experience and expertise acquired and cultivated in the process.
Our clients:
Nationally and internationally operating mainly medium-sized companies (among others in the fields of services, production, distribution/sales, real estate management, software and hardware development, design, art trade, automotive, private equity, business consulting), crafts enterprises, self-employed persons, freelancers as well as private individuals.
Our main focus:
Employment law, corporate law, landlord and tenant law (especially commercial landlord and tenant law), real estate and property law (including investors), art law, general contract drafting in civil law as well as comprehensive advice and forensic work in these areas.
Our strengths:
The client in the foreground – individual support and advice is our top priority. We see ourselves as a modern service company that provides our clients with comprehensive legal advice, the systematic development of strategy and solution concepts, and representation in and out of court. We also pay special attention to the balanced drafting of contracts for our clients. Pragmatic and economically sensible results are always in the foreground.
Our goal:
To serve our clients not as short-term clients, but as long-term partners. We therefore accompany our clients throughout their business and private lives, always on the basis of a trusting and long-term relationship. St the same time we set the highest standards for the quality of our work.
Our network:
We know what we can do very well.
And if you need something that we could do, but is not part of our core area, we know where you are much better off. That is why we have a large network of specialists to whom we can recommend you.
We also maintain a co-operation with tax advisor Steuerberater Dipl. Kfm. Alfred Gesierich, who especially in business law specializes in the tax support of medium-sized companies with a focus on GmbH and GmbH & Co. KG. Comprehensive questions, especially in the fields of tax consultancy and tax law, can be solved in this synergy effect.

Carolin Goll-Müller
Fachanwältin für Arbeitsrecht
Lawyer since 1994
Specialist lawyer for labour law since 1998
1st and 2nd state examination in Munich
Languages: German, English

Matthias Müller
Lawyer since 1993
Studies in Tübingen and Munich, 1st and 2nd state examination in Munich
Languages: German, English
Carolin Goll-Müller
Fachanwältin für Arbeitsrecht
Lawyer since 1994
Specialist lawyer for labour law since 1998
1st and 2nd state examination in Munich
Languages: German, English
What I wanted to become:
Many things, rather not a lawyer (but then changed)
What have I become professionally:
Lawyer, specialist in labour law – practical experience: over a quarter of a century
In the areas:
Labour law (individual and collective)/ service contract law
General contract drafting (contracts for work and services, service contracts, commercial agency agreements, etc.)
Company law
As a specialist in labour law, I advise and represent primarily in labour law, also in connection with restructuring, transfers of companies or businesses (including labour law due diligence), co-determination at plant and company level as well as employment relationships with managing directors and board members (including representation in disputes).
My two decades of work at the internationally renowned major law firm Linklaters LLP (formerly Oppenhoff & Rädler) helped me gain a wealth of experience, from which I have been benefiting since 2013 in advising my own clients also in the current constellation.
What am I doing on the side:
Several things I am interested in
Matthias Müller
Lawyer since 1993
Studies in Tübingen and Munich, 1st and 2nd state examination in Munich
Languages: German, English
What I wanted to become:
Many things, also a lawyer (at least a little later)
What have I become professionally:
Lawyer by passion – practical experience: over a quarter of a century
Main focus of my activities:
Company Law
Commercial tenancy law
Art law
Real estate and property law
General contract drafting (distribution contracts, contracts for work and services, service contracts, contracts from the IT sector, general terms and conditions, etc.).
Also due to my many years of teaching as a legal tutor in the training and preparation of students and trainees for both state examinations, I benefit from didactic and analytical thinking. The hereby gained generalism, combined with economically pragmatic objectives, helps me to guide my clients individually and personally through the entire project from the initial idea to its successful completion.
What do I do on the side:
A lot more that makes me happy
What do we advise our clients every day? Trust is our first priority.
Clear rules increase trust.
Here are our current Terms of Mandate
In order for us to be able to act on your behalf, in many cases we must prove this with a power of attorney. Moreover, in many cases this increases the legal certainty of the legal effectiveness of declarations.
Independent. Future. Chance. Team.
Tired of a large law firm? Eager to experiment? Open? Innovative? A little crazy?
Are you interested in a small law firm with an interesting and, for its size, unusual client structure? MGM is and remains exclusively partner-managed, therefore always close to the client with short reaction times. We appreciate individual, trustworthy and constantly reliable characters of lawyers and partners! So do our clients!
What you can expect
MGM stands for happiness at work, loyalty, trust, transparency, positive thinking, ambition, honesty and good spirits.
Fancy a long-term change?

Contact us
We are gladly there for you.
Would you like to take advantage of our consulting services or do you have a question or feedback for us? We look forward to hearing from you.
Pienzenauerstrasse 10, 81679 München
> Way to us
089 99909630
089 999096329
Way to us
Die Kanzlei ist gut mit dem PKW oder öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln zu erreichen. Zum Marienplatz, Stachus, Bahnhof und den Gerichten im Zentrum sind es ca. 4 km, zur Ostumfahrung München und den Autobahnen A 94, A 99, A 8 und A 9 nur wenige Minuten. Kostenlose Parkplätze sind – für eine Großstadt nicht alltäglich – ausreichend vorhanden.